Sunday, April 29, 2012

Circus Time

Today was a nice day, we went to the circus :) it was my daughter's first visit to the circus, and I was so happy to see her face with the whole show.

My daughter got up really early today, and she wanted to go to the movies, and because she has been doing well in school and she has been behaving, we decided to go, but when we got to the movie theater  there were no kid's movies, so we went for lunch to Mc, while we were walking my daughter changed her mind and decided that she wanted to go to the circus, so we said ok, but we had to go back home to leave some stuff, and ever since we got there, she was just saying how much she wanted to go to the circus and that we should hurry or we would be late :) so we left early and got there on time, there were a lot of people, this was the last day the circus was going to be in town, so the ticket was cheap, it was Q.10.00. My daughter was so happy and she was entertained the whole time, every time the acts began she would open her eyes and pay a lot of attention to what the people where doing in the show, after the show I asked her what her favorite act had been, and she told me that she liked the tigers :) so it was a great day, cause I saw my daughter have fun.

But that is it for today, I wish you all a great week. Till next time.

Friday, April 6, 2012

WOW it's Friday!!!! Where did Thursday go????

Amazing, time flies, I don't know why, but I have the feeling that I skipped Thursday. It's like I am conscious about the things I did on Wednesday, but Thursday is.... distant, but oh well, I still have two more days off, and then on Monday, it's back to school :)

Today was nice, we went to my in-law's for lunch and had fish, it had been a long time :), and we had a couple of drinks :) Vodka, it was fun, then we came back and did some house cleaning, and I also went outside to take some photos of things :)

 This is a Mayan altar that is in my back yard, it has been a part of my wife's family and now that we moved, it is part of our family too, I don't believe in those things, in fact I am not a spiritual person you might say, but it is part of history and culture so I respect the believes. In my town there are some Mayan altas, 5 I think, 2 arms, 2 legs and a head and the one on the back yard is a leg, people say that it brings luck, and there are a lot of people that still practice the Mayan beliefs, I wish I could explain more, but as I said I am not an expert. On May 1st a lot of people ask for permission to come and do the ceremony here, we always agree :) and most of the time they give us something to drink or to eat as a thank you token.

 This is a peach flower, I like the color and the fruit too :), they still haven't grown, but I hope this year we get some big peaches.

And here we have a snail, hate those things, the weather has been humid so we see a lot of these on the back yard, it's awful to walk and step on them cause the sound you hear is not pleasant. If you ever step on one, don't look, just clean your shoe and keep walking :) trust me you wouldn't like to see it :D

Well gotta go, I have to start reading :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Holy week

Well this was my first day off :) I didn't do much, I was suppose to go hiking with some friends, but I got a bit sick, so I had to stay home. In the afternoon we went shopping with my wife and daughter, it's not my cup of tea to go shopping but it was nice to see my daughter have fun :)

Went for an ice cream and talked a bit. I wanted to buy some chocolate eggs to hide, so my daughter has some fun searching for them :) but I think I will do that tomorrow.

It's nice to get up late, watch t.v. and play video games :) but I have to start doing other things to keep myself busy :)


I am trying to do a bonsai with "Misperos", it's a fruit I like. It was actually funny, because I was eating a mispero once and the trash can was too far away for me to get up and throw the seeds there, so I stood up and left the seeds in a flower pot my wife has in the living room :) I was being very lazy :P but the interesting thing was that the seeds started to sprout, I was really happy, because the weather here is not the appropriate one to have these trees, they might grow, but it is extremely difficult, but well see, try to keep your fingers crossed, maybe in some time I will show you the tree :) I hope :) 

With my daughter we decided to do a couple of handcrafts.... well not a couple but one :) we did this with a plastic bottle, yarn and a zipper, we started doing it on Saturday but unfortunately there was no electricity. Stupid truck driver didn't see the electric wires on the road and cut them off, we called the light company in the morning but they didn't show until very late at night, so we had electricity at 11 pm, terrible day, and the worse part was that I used up my laptop's battery, and my Nintendo 3ds' and I had finished the book I was reading, plus there wasn't enough light to read :)  so I didn't have much to do :( .... but I think I went another way here... so were was I, Oh yeah, we finished the bottle today, my wife was out so I decided we would finished the bottle with my daughter, she liked it and she filled it with some candy I bought her :)

Well that is it for today, I will write some other day :) have a great Holy week everyone :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

11:10 and I am still not sleepy

It's late and I just finished writing a comment on the blogs my students are doing. I feel really happy to see what they are writing, and I hope they keep up the good work. I thought about giving them this assignment cause after starting my own blog I realized, how much it helps, not just on the writing skills but also that it is a way of expressing what is on your mind, and it is nice to go back and look at the older posts and remember all those things that have happened in life.

Here are the links to their blogs, there are still some missing, but I will try to include them as soon as I can :)  Mitzi  Leslie  Daniel  Sara Omayra  Emili  Sofi  Allan  Majo  Ale  Mauro  Lucky  Mariano  Manuel  Yessi  Rodrigo  Marco

Today was nice, when I got to school, we had a small earthquake drill, some people came to talk to the students and tell them some safety tips, then they had some time to see how much time it took them to go outside of the class.

 These are the kids outside, they have the spirit week now, so today they were all dressed as how they imagine themselves to be when they turn 80 it was fun, there were some really good costumes.

Then I went to the other building and I had to wait there for like 4 hours for my next class!!! :) but it was ok, I had time to check some tests and to read "the girl with the dragon tattoo", I have to say that it is a great book, every time I can I read it.

Well that is it, I will keep posting things as soon as I can. Have a good time.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It Has been a long time :)

Wow, haven't written in a long time, but since I told my students to start a blog, I decided to continue with mine too :)

This was an interesting week, we started in school some clubs, I was worried that the kids wouldn't like it because that would mean staying on a Friday at school, and let's face it nobody likes to stay in school on a Friday, but I was so surprised to see that they were really eager to participate, and when I left the lists on the bulletin board for them to write their names, I was shocked to see that a lot of people were ready, almost half of the school. On Friday I was waiting for the time to start, I was nervous, even though the students themselves were going to conduct the whole thing, but I stayed outside and watched from the window, I was so happy to see that they were having fun and that even though they had people from different grades, they were getting along just fine, the students that volunteered to be organizers did a wonderful job and I am so proud and happy to be working with them.

So far we have 3 clubs opened, a drama club, a photography and modeling club and a dance and art club. What I want with these clubs is for students to have a good time, to build leader skills and for them to do something that they like.

So far it has been a wonderful experience.

Well I will try to have more things for my next entry, and hopefully I will show some of the projects the clubs do in the future :)