Saturday, February 11, 2012

It Has been a long time :)

Wow, haven't written in a long time, but since I told my students to start a blog, I decided to continue with mine too :)

This was an interesting week, we started in school some clubs, I was worried that the kids wouldn't like it because that would mean staying on a Friday at school, and let's face it nobody likes to stay in school on a Friday, but I was so surprised to see that they were really eager to participate, and when I left the lists on the bulletin board for them to write their names, I was shocked to see that a lot of people were ready, almost half of the school. On Friday I was waiting for the time to start, I was nervous, even though the students themselves were going to conduct the whole thing, but I stayed outside and watched from the window, I was so happy to see that they were having fun and that even though they had people from different grades, they were getting along just fine, the students that volunteered to be organizers did a wonderful job and I am so proud and happy to be working with them.

So far we have 3 clubs opened, a drama club, a photography and modeling club and a dance and art club. What I want with these clubs is for students to have a good time, to build leader skills and for them to do something that they like.

So far it has been a wonderful experience.

Well I will try to have more things for my next entry, and hopefully I will show some of the projects the clubs do in the future :)