Friday, November 11, 2011

One of the toughest challenges ever

I am back in Guatemala. It was nice to be back, but I am feeling really sad about leaving my international family. I shared so many days with such wonderful people and I leaned so many new things from them and from the Appalachian University.
Yesterday was my last day in the USA, and I had all these mixed emotion in me. It was so hard to say goodbye to them. They will all remain in my heart forever.

It was so difficult. As I am writing this I can feel the tears trying to go out. I have this image in my head of my new family, saying goodbye and standing in the entrance of the hotel waving, I can see their faces, but at the same time it gives me strength, because I promised to see them again and that is a promise that I will keep no matter what.

Great memories they all helped me so much and had a great impact in me.

I am really lucky to have found someone that will always be my inspiration, someone that I will have in my heart forever a person that showed me that life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away. I love you and I will always love you 

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