Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sundance became Raindance

Yesterday I did a crazy thing, I climbed up this:
This was at Watauga High School, it was a great experience, at first I was able to climb fast but when I got to the ladder part I couldn't get up, so I had to take the pole again and climb up, I was so tired when I got to the top but at the same time I was really happy because I was able to fight one of my biggest fears (heights), going down was easy, all I had to do was to let go of the wood and fly down :) 

I was so happy to reach the top and I was shaking like hell :D cause the wind blew the thing from one side to another.

At night we all got together to celebrate Hugo's birthday, he is a good friend here in the TEA program, it was great, we all sang happy birthday in English and then each of the countries sang it in their native language it really good to listen to all the different languages in a familiar song.

My international family celebrating Hugo's birthday. 

I also played the guitar a bit. My host family was kind enough to lend it to me for the week.

Today was a really good day, we had to go to the university and present a mini lesson plan. I liked to see the different ways people teach and the activities they had, I learned a lot from them. Then we came to the hotel and I had a wonderful power nap, then I got up and took a shower, we went shopping and I bought some beers to have in the fridge and we went to eat at Ruby Tuesday. The food was good. Then when we finished we had to walk under the rain. That is an interesting thing about Boone, the weather here is crazy at first it was sunny and late in the afternoon it started to rain. 
We are in the hotel's living room writing blogs, helping people with computer problems, and drinking. It was a great day and I am really happy that things went the way they should have.

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