Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Been there

Well it's been a long time since I wrote, but I wanted to write about something that happened to me, I was watching the movie "the Ultimate gift" (I have seen it like 7 times or more) and it caught my attention because as the movie went on, I could notice that many of the places shown there were from Charlotte, in North Carolina, and it felt amazing cause I saw some of the places where I had walked.

This is the movie I was telling you about and if you have a chance watch it :) the story is really good, and it can make you cry, it is a bit emotional so be ready.

The interesting thing is that after being in a place, you see things in a different way. I remember reading about NY in text books, and reading about the touristic places there are, but it wasn't as special as it is now, you see all the information with the students, but it represents nothing to you, but after being there and meeting the place, you can feel something completely different. I am glad cause now I can tell my students what the weather feels like, what it looks like and the feelings that you get, it's not just a text anymore, it is meaningful.
I hope that in the future my students can also get the opportunity to travel and experience something like this.

It is the feeling you get when you hear the name of your country in a famous movie or show, or when you hear the name of the country where you have friends :)

Like in the movie RED where they mention the name of Guatemala several times :) and like when you see it for the first time and you hear it, you say wow, and you feel good cause it is your country :)
This is the movie RED also a good movie, action and comedy, it is really good

And after meeting so many wonderful people from different parts of the world, I see things differently, like when I saw in a store a Polish vodka, or when I saw in a magazine  the words "Koer Lotte" which are Estonian, I remembered all of my new family and the moments we spent together, and how much I miss them.

1 comment:

  1. When I was watching RED, the mention of Guatemala made me more attentive than ever and I smiled and thought to myself: "I have family there!" before I knew it. You're right, Pablo: that's how you feel after the experiences that have such a great impact on you. I miss all of us from Boone!
