Sunday, December 4, 2011


Well today was a tough day, I got up at 4:20 am and I was supposed to get up at 3am, I had to do this because we had a camp today with the kids at school, anyway I got up, I took a shower and I headed to the gathering place, when I got there, there were a lot of students waiting, so I took list and checked that everybody was there. The bus was supposed to leave at 5 but not everybody was there so we waited and ended up leaving at 5:20, and I was worried about being late J

 This is a photo of the kids we had in the bus, ours was bus number 3, they were feeling sleepy, it was really early in the morning.
 A photo taken early in the morning, you can see the fog covering the city, believe me it was really cold.

 We got to the place really early, and there was no one from the staff there to give us the information so we waited a couple of minutes.

 We got to the place really early, and there was no one from the staff there to give us the information so we waited a couple of minutes.

 Then they took all of the kids to the auditorium in the University and they gave them the welcome and they explained about the order of how things were going to be, there were 8 groups of 44 students each, from different regions of the country.

 I was in charge of the rally, they gave us some activities to do, but the time they had predicted was not the correct one so we had to improvise a bit, it was good cause the kids didn’t get bored. We divided the groups into smaller ones of 15 students and each volunteer was in charge of a small group.

This is me after ending the first group :) a bit tired but I was just posing that face of exhaustion :)

 Then we all had lunch, by the way they gave us breakfast and lunch and on both occasions we got a big sandwich, I would call it American size, cause portions here are smaller, and they gave us juice and fruit, it was good. After lunch we had the award ceremony and they gave the students their diploma for participating in the program, they gave the teacher one too and the volunteers got one as well, I got two because I was both a volunteer and a teacher J

 Some of the kids I gave classes to, they are very bright and they were really fun to be with, I will miss them.
 By the way this is a "chicken bus" I think the nickname came because they used to, and sometimes still do, transport chickens or other animals inside, with all the people, and they are usually crowded too.
 After the ceremony we went back to the bus some kids were sad because it was the last time we were going to see each other, but when we got on the bus, everybody started teasing and having fun, the trip we took was a 4 hour round trip, approximately, we didn't feel it cause everybody was laughing and taking pictures.

 The view in the afternoon on the way home, this is the landscape you can observe when you travel from Quetzaltenango to Panajachel.

 No corn or plantations, cause it is too cold on this time of the year to harvest anything.

When we got back, we had to wait for the kid’s parents to pick them up, so we waited like 2 hours, finally when the last kids were picked, I walked to the bus stop, I had to go through the park. In the park something amazing happened to me, I was thinking about life as always, and then I heard in the park a group playing, and for my surprise they were singing the song: “Luz de dia” by Enanitos Verdes, it’s a very special song for me, I like it a lot J I love signs

The group singing the song Luz de dia

 This is a picture of the decoration in the park, Christmas is coming so they always decorate the park with lights, they do it in almost all the parks in Guatemala.

And here is the Christmas tree; it is at the beginning of the park.
well that is all for today, have a good day and take care.

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