Friday, April 6, 2012

WOW it's Friday!!!! Where did Thursday go????

Amazing, time flies, I don't know why, but I have the feeling that I skipped Thursday. It's like I am conscious about the things I did on Wednesday, but Thursday is.... distant, but oh well, I still have two more days off, and then on Monday, it's back to school :)

Today was nice, we went to my in-law's for lunch and had fish, it had been a long time :), and we had a couple of drinks :) Vodka, it was fun, then we came back and did some house cleaning, and I also went outside to take some photos of things :)

 This is a Mayan altar that is in my back yard, it has been a part of my wife's family and now that we moved, it is part of our family too, I don't believe in those things, in fact I am not a spiritual person you might say, but it is part of history and culture so I respect the believes. In my town there are some Mayan altas, 5 I think, 2 arms, 2 legs and a head and the one on the back yard is a leg, people say that it brings luck, and there are a lot of people that still practice the Mayan beliefs, I wish I could explain more, but as I said I am not an expert. On May 1st a lot of people ask for permission to come and do the ceremony here, we always agree :) and most of the time they give us something to drink or to eat as a thank you token.

 This is a peach flower, I like the color and the fruit too :), they still haven't grown, but I hope this year we get some big peaches.

And here we have a snail, hate those things, the weather has been humid so we see a lot of these on the back yard, it's awful to walk and step on them cause the sound you hear is not pleasant. If you ever step on one, don't look, just clean your shoe and keep walking :) trust me you wouldn't like to see it :D

Well gotta go, I have to start reading :)

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