Saturday, October 29, 2011


Well yesterday after the test I went to the hotel to fix the things and move them to a new room, then I went to a store to buy a couple of things that I needed, I got to the hotel like at 5:00 pm so I had a cup of coffee and stayed near the fire to relax a little bit.
Then John came to the hotel and picked me up, and he showed me around town, they have these places called General stores (if I remember correctly) they were the first stores to be in this place and you could buy basically anything you needed. The stores are still here and they haven't changed at all which makes tourists curious and makes the stores very visited. For dinner we had salmon, asparagus, and potatoes, the food was delicious, I had missed so much the taste of homemade food, The kids were at a dance so they ate pizza at school, both of them are very nice and very talented, today in the morning we played with the instruments they have. Then we went to see a soccer game Brooks had, they tied 3 to 3, it was fun to see the parents support their kids and to see the kids play with a lot of energy. The weather has been interesting, it was snowing in the morning, they call it "wimpy snow" cause it's too week to really cover the ground :)
Right now I am in the living room near the fire and relaxing, they truly have a beautiful house and a wonderful family, I am so happy to be here with them.
 This is the living room were I am writing the blog and relaxing.
 This is their dog she is very calm and friendly, she likes to be pet.
 This is their kitchen, it's really big and beautiful.
 This is the view from the dining room John told me that in occasions you can see a deer outside.
 This is their house the little dots you see are rain drops sorry I couldn't get rid of them.
 They are the kids Camy and Brooks, they are really nice and talented, they are very polite and they show a lot of interest for different things, they are great.
This is the soccer field where Brook had his game, it was snowing a bit but it didn't stop the kids from playing.

Well that is it for today, I will go outside and take some sun before it gets cloudy again. :)

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