Friday, October 28, 2011

Testing !!!! :)

Well today was a calm day Ron has a test today so there was just a review, I have learned new words and expressions while being here. I am a bit worried because we have to go back to the hotel today and start preparing our things since we won't have the room for the weekend, we are going to stay with our host families, and everybody was sure that we would have a room and many of my friends left their things in my room, now I have to go back and carry everything to another room, dad blast it!! but I can do that fast, so I won't worry.
 I like this Poster, most of the classes have really funny and interesting posters, I think that is great it kinda gives a new feeling to things.
This is Ron's first class they are doing the test, they are very nice kids, very polite, funny and they are very smart, some of them are using words in Spanish when they talk around me, I think that it's a nice gesture, being here has actually changed the image I had of Americans, Boone has a very strong community connection, everything is very clean and they have a huge respect for nature, they are also very slim :) I love it here and I will miss this place and the people that live here so much.

Well that is it, I will write later when I have more pictures.

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